28 Jun 2012

If I had a superpower

What would yours be? Something cool, no doubt. Like being able to fly or super strength.

The pre-mummy me probably would have chosen being able to fly. What an adrenaline rush and a great way to beat the traffic. Who needs to be more patient now, suckers. That would be my retort as I revved up my cape.

The post-mummy me would choose something a little more practical. Something to make the day go a little more smoothly and a lot easier.

My super power would be super speed, where the world stood still as I went at my own pace.

Just imagine this.

I'd start with a looong warm shower. The kind where your finger tips turn wrinkly even though you're not even in the bath. The kind where you're not in and out within 30 seconds, with soap suds still sticking to you and shouting "I'll just be a minute".

Then I'd enjoy my weetabix before the milk turns them into soggy mush. I'd savour the semi crunchy texture in my mouth.

Next, I'd make it out of the house with hair that isn't wet and not thrown back. Maybe I'd even indulge in more than concealer for the bags under my eyes and blusher so I look half alive. Heck, I might even have time to pluck my eyebrows and other places that hair seems to grow on my face.

Then I'd curl up on the sofa with my favourite book right before the mayhem that is dinner, bath and bed time.

To top off my super day, I'd get a couple of hours of shut eye before the night waking begins but without having to go to bed early.

Then at the end of my super day I'd probably miss all of the mayhem and wish my super power was to be super normal!.

Photo credit: http://www.leukemiasurvivor.co/2012/04/do-not-like-new-test-results-if-i-had.html

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