19 Jul 2012

Reasons to be cheerful

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart
This is my second week joining in on this blog hope. Here are my tenious H reasons to be cheerful:

1. Hello Mr Sun. Ok, I know it's a weak H link but who isn't happy that the sun has been out all day. Not only that, it's forecast to stay. Yippee. 

2. Hippos, hungry ones at that. That was my favourite birthday present, ever, as a child. Now I have my own Child (I do sometimes still pinch myself) and she's about to get a stash of her very own presents for her FIRST birthday. I made it one whole year without doing anything too wrong. Woo hoo. 

 3. Heroes. The chocolate ones. My daughter is dairy intolerant and as I'm still breast feeding I've also been on a dairy free diet for a year. The are supposed to grow out of it by a year so we are slowly testing her. That means I got to eat my first piece of chocolate in a year today. Yes, before you ask, I did miss it. 

So, there you have it. Reasons to be cheerful, 1, 2 & 3.


  1. A first birthday is definitely a R2BC! Quite amazing that feeling that you have a one year old though isn't it :)

  2. A big milestone in many ways by sound of it!

    1. Yes, can't quite believe we are here already!

  3. My son was also dairy intolerant so I cut back a lot of the diary in my diet as I breastfed. But I found it very difficult to cut it all out as I'm a milk person (despite having been severely intolerant myself as an infant). It was probably the main reason for his really bad reflux.

    But he did start to outgrow it by 2 but even now I get a milk called Lactaid which is lactose free and we all LOVE it. Has a longer expiration date on it compared to regular milk and tastes yummier to me. If my 2nd baby has the same intolerance I hope I find a difference in the reflux while drinking the Lactaid.

    I also LOVED the Hungry Hippos game! What a great present!

    1. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out. Hoping she'll outgrow it sooner rather than later bu fingers crossed!

  4. Hopefully introducing dairy back in will be fine with your little one. Mmm chocolate!
    Happy birthday to your daughter too x

  5. Happy birthday to your LO! x

  6. Happy Birthday to your little one. A year without chocolate is awful to contemplate!!

    1. Thank you! I'm not quite sure how I survived.

  7. Great Reasons to be Cheerful, happy Birthday little one and I don't eat a lot of chocolate but I'm sure if I was told I couldn't for whatever reason, I would miss it also xxx

    1. It was surprisingly easier than I thought and I'm a chocolate fiend.
