10 Sept 2012

Is a blogging break a good idea?

Can you keep a secret? You see, I have a confession to make. I need to tell you something. Get it off my chest.

Deep breath in.

I lost my blogging mojo.

There I said it. Exhale.

It all started with a holiday. I took a week off, had a lovely little staycation. David Cameron would have been proud. Then came another little holiday two weeks later. Another break from reality.

Two weeks have passed since then and I still haven't blogged. Today I resolved to change that. Here I am. iPad in hand, index finger tapping away furiously, arm aching with the obvious lack of blogging exercise.

The truth is, I was fed up of how much time and effort it takes up to drum up a small number of readers. I lost the fun of writing in the boring work of advertising myself.

However, after  month of being away I soon realised a few other truths. I missed you, readers. I missed you, other bloggers. I missed not feeling like i'm the only other crazy mum in the world. I missed being able to laugh at your day, to relate to your experiences, to look at your pictures, to get great activity ideas. I missed being able to share my thoughts and experiences.

I missed blogging.

So I'm back and ready to re-rock. Watch this space!


  1. I've only been reading for a little while, but the posts I have read, I really enjoyed. I can resonate with the stuff you say about losing your blogging mojo. My blog is about a year old now, and particularly near the start I had periods of doubt, found the whole PRing my blog thing tedious. And it is hard when you write something you think is 'good' and then only a handful of people read it! Just keep writing the good stuff and reading the blogs you like and commenting, and I'm pretty sure, you will see the organic growth happen. Welcome back to the bloggersphere!

    1. Thanks. That's great to know! It's taken me a month but i've finally gotten around to writing another post.

  2. Yes, a bogging break can be a very good idea to refresh and take stock and it sounds like its been a good break for you after all - to reassess why you are blogging in the first place. I have only just discovered you so keep writing! I've lost my mojo a number of times, and i find the best way is to take a little break, live your life, and then just come back to it - I found that I just started to write again.

    1. Thanks for the advice. I've taken a month but i've finally written my first after break post, phew!
